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Melanie Taylor Kent

Melanie Taylor Kent

Melanie Taylor was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When she was a child, the family moved to Hollywood, California. Her favorite subject in school was art, and the school field trips to the movie studios. They ignited Melanie’s lifelong passion for art, and tinsel towns’ lure of celluloid dreams come true. Visiting Disneyland on the 7th day of its opening, she saw a whole new world of color that she never knew was possible. Melanie began to imagine a new and better world she could create through her life. Her mission became “If I can picture the world a better place, and then paint it, maybe I can make it so.”

Melanie Taylor Kent is an artist who has become known for her series of serigraphs and original paintings depicting “The Great American Celebrations” and events of our time. Some of her themes were movie anniversaries, and cartoon characters’ birthdays, and American History Anniversaries. Some of her painting include Mickey Mouse’s 60th Birthday, The Statue of Liberty Centennial, and The 50th Anniversary of the Wizard of Oz, to name a few.

Melanie Taylor Kent is famous for her use of as many as 350 amazing colors in each painting, and the supersonic speed in which her images take her viewers through the picture, as if on a ride at Disneyland. The viewer is invited to see the world, as if through the eyes of a child, bigger and more colorful than real life. Her work appeals to the young at heart of all ages, who want to remember a cherished moment in our American Culture such as The Macy’s Parade, Bugs Bunny’s 50th Birthday,and many more.

Melanie began her art career, after graduating from UCLA School of Art, as an art teacher at San Fernando High School, in the Los Angeles City School district. Melanie created The Intercultural Mural Project, working with community leaders and Mayor Tom Bradley’s office where she obtained a CETA Grant, in which she took hundreds of children out of the classroom and into the city to paint beautiful murals over walls that were filled with graffiti. The mural project invited children from all racial and ethnic backgrounds to participate. It’s greatest goal was to promote racial harmony through art. The murals still stand today, as a testament to their induring themes, and their outstanding art achievement.

After ten years Melanie left teaching art, to start her own publishing company to print and distribute her series of serigraphs depicting The Great American Celebrations and Events of our time. She was honored to have been chosen as an officially licensed artist for The Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. Movies and Looney Tunes characters, Universal Studios, The Turner MGM Library, Lucasfilm, The Flintstones, The Olympics, The Dodgers, and many more.

Currently Melanie’s work has been shown in 250 galleries, and many museums worldwide The list of museums includes the Smithsonian, The Armon Hammer Museum, The Atlantic City Museum, The Statue of Liberty Museum, and many more. Currently, Melanie and her galleries are working on her 35th Anniversary Show. It is whimsically titled “Happy 35th Birthday Art of Melanie Taylor Kent. Her collection will tour the United States, Canada, China, and Japan, London, Paris, and Rome, and culminate at the Hermatage Museum in Moscow. This will be the first time her collectors and fans will see her entire Body of work in one setting.

Melanie hopes she will meet her fans in her upcoming shows, and inspire those in the next generation to see through her eyes, a world bigger and more colorful than life. “If the children can picture the world as amazing, and colorful, and happy, like it is in a Melanie Taylor Kent artwork, perhaps they can help make it so.”

Melanie has much gratitude to her galleries and collectors that have supported her work for the last 35 years, and looks forward to unveiling new exciting projects in the future.

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